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Vampire heads miscolored.


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So the vampires in my game (the female ones at least) have a greyish skin. But for some reason, their heads are not matching the texture. I am almost positive this is not an unfamiliar issue in this community. What I am looking for is recounts of people dealing with this problem sucsessfully. I would also like to know what types of mods could be causing this. Again, I am looking for experience with the issue. All input is appreciated, but I really don't have interest in hearing offhand accounts on what people think might work. Those usually turn out to be useless.


So for those of you who can read and listen:

What mods relating to vampires to you use? If you got to the bottom of the problem, what mod was causing it for you and specifically how?


I know that using TES5Edit will lead me in the right direction... But I am really impatient and don't want to rely on me learning fast enough to fix this. A user made an inciteful comment, that Skyrim is essentially a car. I am getting tired of being the mechanic. I just want to enjoy the ride. (Please don't lecture me on anything either.)

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