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Max level while keeping the roleplay?


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Hey everyone. I finally bought Skyrim Legendary edition. The reason I did it so late? Even tough I have been playing all TES series since Daggerfall I had 2 major gripes with Skyrim. So major that I wanted to wait until I could overcome them with addons before I played the game...


First I always loved athletics and acrobatics. My characters were archers unarmored etc..... This game style totally died with Skyrim, but now I believe with athletics training by Volek I am covered in this part.(http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30968/?)


Second problem was that in order to get max level I had to max all skills. This totally kills the roleplay and forces you to reach only a far smaller level with the skills you want to use ( I know previous games had problems with that). I really need to find a way to change this. I want to reach maximum level with only the skills my roleplay requires or remove leveling with skills and use experience instead? What mods are the best to do this? I did a good search on the mods uploaded and I found 2 interesting ones: SkyXP and End-leveling. Any one familiar with any other mod that could be help?



Skyxp : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20681//?


End-Leveling: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18946//?


I am not familiar with modding Skyrim, can I use any addon up to the latest version that Legendary edition has with all add-ons?


I thank you for helping a Skyrim-newbie :)

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If you don't want to bother with the legendary skills (I haven't use it yet, but resetting your most-relied-upon skills back to 15 with no bonuses or anything in the middle of gameplay doesn't sound very appealing to me) I just use the Uncapper. you can change the level cap for skills and how quickly they level (since skills after level 100 are tediously slow to gain).

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