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Charcoal/Forges texture problems


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I have a few problems with the charcoals and forges visual:


1. The average forge (I took a screenshot of the one at white run's gate) texture is unnatural with minor glitches

2. Skyforge turns into a mirror reflecting objects above it

3. (Sorry I dont have a screenshot for this one) charcoals in fire pits disappear when viewing from far or horizontal angle (replaced by grayish flat ashes), but they appear when viewing from close above.


FYI I am using below mods:


Project ENB with Fantasy preset for CoT version

COT with default settings

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Skyrim HD

Serious HD

Static Mesh Improvement

Enhanced Lights and FX

Ultimate HD Fire Effects

Thanks in advance!

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you have 2 lighting mods which are not compatible... elfx and rlo (hope you don't have cot also with lighting installed), 2 texture replacers replacing the same textures... skyrim hd and serious hd. you might wanna look into those

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you have 2 lighting mods which are not compatible... elfx and rlo (hope you don't have cot also with lighting installed), 2 texture replacers replacing the same textures... skyrim hd and serious hd. you might wanna look into those

Thanks. I tried removing all texture and lighting mods and put them back one by one. I found CoT is the only culprit causing all these fire related glitches. I have read on cot posts that many have problems with fires of cot but since author has retired no fix would be available. Is there any way around this?


Nevermind, I have found the problem. Project ENB has several optional effects that do weird things to the lighting/texture mods. Using the default Project ENB settings solved the problem.

Edited by wonderfulmore
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