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Can't revert to human form from Beast form in any way


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Hi guys, I have a HUGE problem with the beast form: the first time that I toggle it by myself, it simply doesn't run out! I tryed waiting ingame from 24 to 48 hours but my Nord mate is always a big snarling hairyball and it is very annoyng. I already tried to use a console command but when it come back to human the camera is the same as the beast form. Also in beast form i can't use my roar powers because the Z button seems to be always toggled on the beast form spell. Please if anyone knows how to fix this i beg help because this thing is blowing my mind, and I love to have a werewolf character but not like this! Thanks and sorry for my english :ohdear:

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i'm having this same issue, it seems to be stuck on the beast form power and i keep the transformation going, i cant roar, i cant turn back i just stay in wolf form! its anoying and i'm guessing it's a bug, and i all so sometimes keep showing the transformation animation.

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