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S.T.E.P. for fallout3?


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Ok one suggestion. Could anyone individual or team create something like this http://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:2.2.5 ?

A step by step guide on how to properly mod fallout3, with what order, which versions-optionals-extra files from each mod, etc. Of course modding a game especially fallout3 is in fact a matter of personal taste but I think a general modding guide which enhances immersion, improves every aspect of FO3 that can be improved and stays true to the original game as much as possible could be the base. Furthermore STEP focuses on ini tweaks and mods that make skyrim even more stable, something that FO3 definitely needs.

Of course the heaven would be something like that http://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited

It's a guide similar to STEP, but it goes even further including suggestions and tips on how to clean dirty edits and how to erase conflicts between different mods, etc, all detailed and step by step. Of course no one could demand something like that for FO3, since its already a 6year old game and a guide of that detail needs hundreds of hours spent to be made.


I just post them here in the little tiny case that someone gets motivated and decides to do something like this for our beloved Fallout3.

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