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Whats-her-names ring


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Okay, this is clearly a really minor quest, but when ambling around near Ald-Velothi, there's this girl. A Briton, I think, who says she was on her way to Gnisis when she dropped her ring in the pool. She's a dancing girl and didn't want to smell, so she asked me to go in and get it, so I said I would and... IT ISN'T THERE!


This leads me to ask two things:

1) Has anyone encountered her? I forget her name, but she's near the underneath of the bridge to The Dwemer ruins of Arkingth-Sturdunmz. If so, did anyone find this damn ring. I know it's probably gonna yield me little and I doubt she'll reward me, but... well... you know. You've gotta help a damsel in distress, right ;)


2) I started to think about Detect-Object spells, etc and began to wonder about the detect key spell I have. How does it work? I've tried it and tried it and it still doesn't really do anything except eat my magica. I'm assuming it has some kind of set of magical rings that home in on the nearest key, but it doesn't seem to do anything. It may be a glitch (*shudders*) or maybe I'm just not doing it right... can anyone help?


Finally, another little question: What's this about PackGuars I hear? I've found one with a couple of Ashlanders and its just a guar with clothes on (well, kinda..!) Is there actually anything like you can ride on them, or is that all just a myth?

Okay, question-time's over!


**Update: Whoops, sorry - posted a second version of this by mistake... Can a moderator or someone delete it please? Sorry!**

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The ring's not enchanted, so a Detect Enchantment spell won;t help you. The ring is on the floor of the pool, next to the stem of a plant- I really can't help you much more than that. It actually helps to have the Ring Texture Fix mod, because the proper ring texture is applied to the lost ring, making it a great deal easier to find. You'll also get a bit of a surprise after you find the ring.


Pack Guars: the extent of them is having them as companions. Riding is impossible.

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utherdoul your post came through twice so I had to delete it.


Anyone posting should be advised that sometimes if there is an apparent broken connection when posting it comes AFTER the post has gone. It's always better to check the boards before posting again. I learned this the hard way.


The ring is to the left just after you enter the pool as now doubt cmac would have added if he could have moved this to spoilers.

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