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What's with NPC adding mods and freezes?


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It seems to me that every single one of the NPC adding mods, such as immersive patrol, travellers of skyrim, populated cities, adventurers and travellers,etc, basically the ones that add NPCs on the road that fight each other, have problems with me.


When I approach the fighting scene, my game would freeze. I didn't test this systematically, but it looks like this happens with all mods of this type. Of course it doesn't happen consistently, so some fighting scenes are ok, but others are not. The problem is not random, as there are fight scene that causes the game to freeze 100%.


Is there something about these mods that making freezing more likely, or is it something about my setup?

Just wondering if this is what people notice.

I really love these mods, and if I can, I would install all mods of this type to populate roads and wilderness, but I am having such problems.

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