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Help, my skyrim crushes instantly


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Unfortunately there is no magic bullet that fixes crashes. And you will ultimately have to do the actual work because we cannot work physically on your computer. You may get lucky and find it quickly. There is no guarantee that every mod will work with every other mod - and some will just not be compatible.


Some mods do require something else to work - such as SKSE or another mod to be there. If you have even one mod that requires SKSE, and you did not start using the SKSE launcher - the game will likely crash.


If you try to load an esp ahead of any esm - you will get an instant crash ( there are a few mods that have an esp that for some reason thinks it's an esm - BOSS catches these and loads them with the esms)


There are mods with multiple possible esp parts that are mutually exclusive - if you load one of the esps- loading onne of the others will cause a crash. this is explained in the documentation for that mod. (you do read ALL of the documentation for the mods you install don't you?)


Here is a slightly quicker procedure - but no guarantee.

first deactivate all mods and start a new game - if it still crashes - it's probably not a mod.

If it does work, put the first half of your mods back - and start a new game - Hopefully they will work, then you can add other mods a few at a time until you have a problem - then back up and test the last group individually to find the culprit.


If the first half don't work, remove half of them ad try again - but remember that some mods require BOTH an esm - which must e loaded at the top of the list - and an esp that can be loaded almost any where in the list after all of the esms. If you have one you MUST have the other in the active list.


Here is a link to my blog with more troubleshooting help. http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4751769/1/#new

thanks, i already found the Problem, there was a mod, in the middle of every mod, that got updated without that i knew it by steam and now needed dragonborne, which is the only dlc i haven't got yet. Thanks for ur help... i have to look if it works now,, i hope it does, the starting Screens appears now.

Edited by Kohlefalke
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