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Stop the reforming of the Dark Brotherhood.


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Hello there. I'm new to mods and can barely place custom characters into the game, however I had an idea while saving the characters in the abandoned shack. For those players that kill Astrid, and them the rest of the DB, the storyline potential ends, but what if a mod allowed a sort of continuance by the player preventing assassinations? The version in my mind had the giant home (filled with kids) of Alea Quintus becoming the base of operations for assassin hunting. Fultheim the Fearless, looking to put his dishonorable past behind him, becomes a potential follower built like a Dark Brotherhood Initiate. And the final captive, Vasha, seeks his revenge by sending you to thwart all attempts of those seeking to bring back the DB's influence via major assassinations. As he gets information, he passes it on to you. When you arrive in the areas of prevention, you have limited time to act before your target moves on to their next stage or on to the assassination.


I just wanted to put it out there while it was fresh in my nog. Possibly, this type of thing already exists. I confess I have not checked yet. I'm off to do that now. But if it hasn't been done, it sure seems to me it should be.


Thank you for the time you spent reading this. I'm uncertain regarding how things should be presented here and I'm hoping I stayed within acceptable boundaries.

Edited by mirokulaughing
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Ok, I've looked and there are many mods extending the Dark Brotherhood, but I did not find any allowing the attempts to stamp them out to continue. Would a mod like this be made simpler by reworking npcs and settings used in the DB guild questline? For instance, at the first attempt on the emperor, player situates him/herself as a "food taster". Or player leads the destruction of the "restored" DB guild hall, gets trapped by flames, passes out in the water beside the bones of the earlier failed DB infiltrator.


Ok, that's all I've got. Again thanks for taking the time to read and consider. I'm hoping something might come of it. Seems a shame the game dead ended the good guy direction leaving all those Penitus Oculatus soldiers with nothing to do.

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