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Console Command Arch-Mage (SPOILERS?)


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Okay, let's say I'm roleplaying Skyrim as a particularly evil character, who doesn't have much regard for the mechanics of the game.


Now let's say that this character - in my roleplay - has become Arch-mage through... illigitimate means after joining the college.


I know there's some sort of console command I can use to force the game to accept my character as the Arch-Mage - with the privilage of using his chambers and all the stuff in it - without completing the college questline. I just can't find it anywhere.


Can anyone help me?

(If this is in the wrong forum, then feel free to move it.)



By the way, in this "hypothetical" playthrough I've already killed several quest-essential characters, so completing the questline has become impossible. Just so you know.

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