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Dark Brotherhood RP topic


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Well, it is a simple plan really, take the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary from Oblivion, but replace the characters with us. I will be the Listener and for the moment, you guys will have to be assasins, however, if enough interrest is established I would promote people to speakers. I hope this doesn't completely fail as my last attempt did, so I beg you! Post your character details here!
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Name - He who does not clean blades

Race - Argonian

Sex - Male

Weapons - Daggers, Shortswords, Fists


Combat style - Like any good Assasin He who does not clean blades follows people in the dark, or waits for them to pass and ends the fight before it begins with a quick jab. Should that not be possible Quick foot work, Fencing, and Leaping Manouvers are a lizards best friend.


Attitude - Wary, Untrusting, and Patient. This Amphibian prefers to keep anyone at a distance, and has no "real" friends, at least none that know what he does. An expert at keeping secrects he has plenty of his own.


Brief Bio - A long time defender of his home marshes. It didn't take him long to resort to murder as an effective way to keep his lands and his friends safe. But Being a ruthless killer isn't an effective way to make a living, and met with feelign of shame or possibly paranoia he left for a diffrent life, but a killer is a killer, at least that's how it seems.

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Name: Leopold.

Race: Unknown, presumed redgaurd

sex: male

Weapon of choice: Unknown...for now


Nearly nothing is known of this elusive assassin, he wears a dark cloak, gloves and a mask to conceal his appearance. His motives are unknown, and are best left unknown.


It is rumored he is hunting someone.

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  • 2 months later...

Name: Damon

Race: Mystic Elf

Sex: Female

Weapons of choice: Bows & Arrows, prefferably Ebony


As a strangely elusive member of her race, she had been cast out of her family as a young child and taken in by the Listener, on the condition that she kill in the name of the night mother. She swore her oath, and has lived up to the five tenets until this very day.


She is very agile, and exceptionally quiet, skilled in archery, she preferrs to pick her targets off at a distance, but if need be she can fist fight.

She usually prefers to worm herself into the life of her target, and then kill her target at the most oppertune moment. Making sure that they know who it was that killed them. She prefers her arrows to be enchanted with soul trap, so that she may keep her victims until she needs to put them to use.

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Name: Gideon Ravenbane, Lord of Flies.

Race: Breton


Weapons of choice: Animal Skull staff of Plagues.

Guilds: Dark Brotherhood, Necromancers. Also a member of a small sect of Plague Doctors.

Assassination style: Generally curses a house or person with a quick killing plague, and walks away. The next day, victims are usually dead. If confronted by guards, Gideon will escape by turning into a flock of flies or turning into a raven and escaping. Will curse the people who confronted him.


Attitude: Pessimistic, always has a bleak outlook on life. Enjoys swindling people by plauging them, then offering his doctoring skills for a hefty sum. Enjoys bartering with people who don't pay back loans or debts to him.


Description: Gideon was always seeing the world in a constant fog, a shadow laying over it. He could never feel the beauty of life, and wound up desensitized, and spiteful. He trained as a plague doctor, healing the sick and wounded, but still felt no joy, even though all of his patients lived. He eventually joined the dark circle of the Necromancers, and learned the powers of death. He was called Lord of the Flies by his guildmates. When he tested his powers on a mob who drove him out of town because of his "witchery", he then felt joy. Ever since, he has been with the Dark Brotherhood, killing people for the sheer happiness that he desires so greatly.

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  • 1 month later...

This sounds like a pretty good idea, may as well sign up.


Name: Silent Pete.

Race: ??? (Is Human, though.)

Sex: Male

Weapons Of Choice: Long Range: Nothing (If absolutely necessary, will use Throwing Knives.), Medium Range: Throwing Knives, Close Range: Daedric Dagger (Only used for slitting throats and other stealthy things, but will use it in a Knife Battle or something similar), Sword Of A Thousand Souls (Main Weapon, Can Be Thrown And Come Back To Wielder's Hands, Can Also Slice Through Shields Weaker Than Steel), Hand-To-Hand (Primarily Martial-Arts like moves), Shortsword Of Silence (Used when Sword is knocked out of hands, Silences Enemy)

Guilds: Dark Brotherhood.

Assassination Style: Slitting a victim's throat, feeding them poison, using their traps against the victim.

Attitude: Extremely Loyal to the Dark Brotherhood, will never turn down a contract no matter how suicidal it is. Outside of the Dark Brotherhood, he loves to start riots in a city, kill random guards and hunt his worst enemy (Who is my Good character, even though he looks like an Assassin.). He will always do anything that a Higher-Rank Assassin will tell him to do, but will stay out of the affairs of Lower-Rank Assassins.


Living Environment: While he does not live in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, he will come in 5 times every day to see if there's a contract. Lives in a Bravil Sea Dome (From that mod for Oblivion).


Rank: Murderer. (Just joined).


Description: Silent Pete is an experienced killer. While more suited to a Search-And-Destroy type of thing, he understands the meaning of Discretion. He can also disarm an enemy's weapon and use it against them. Also has exceptional

climbing skills, being able to climb up to Dive Rock (Did take breaks). He conceals himself in a black outfit of terror that looks more like a black version of the Assassin's Creed Outfit, only with more equipment. His face is also not seen, as you can only see his eyes, which are blue. He also has a ring that grants him 100% Chameleon, though he rarely uses this. Does not have a bounty on his head, as he's never been able to be recognized.

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  • 3 weeks later...

is this dead? if not, a form:


Name: unknown, commonly referred to as "Moon"

Race: Khajit

Sex: male

Weapons of choice: mainly shortswords, though it can be about anything if he's in the mood (once killed a target by choking him with an apple)

Personality: mostly happy and cheerful, wears colourful clothes when not out to assasinate someone, drinking A LOT of Skooma (Moon = moon sugar) but still always deadly. sometimes he seems just a normal guy, sometimes he seems insane, chopping up his targets into small dices.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Unknown, responds to the title of Governor

Race: Nord

Sex: Male

Weapons: Stiletto knives, poison darts (for range)

Clothing: Black traveling cloak with hood

Personality: Shady. A sort of loner. Has few real friends, but those in the Sanctuary may become friends. Acts commonly so as not to stand out.

Quirks: Smokes pipe, drinks beer

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