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Ser Gilmores First Night + Improved Romance Scenes


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So Im trying to get these 2 mods to work but no use :(


Ser Gilmores First Night Romance Scene Addon


of course I have the Ser Gilmore Fully Voiced NPC in my game, and my relationship with him is warm but still nothing happens ! I even broke up with Alistar but it didnt work :ohdear:




and another mod that isnt working is this :


Improved Romance Scenes and Fixes - Alistair




Dazip version:
Install DAzip version using DAupdater or whatever program you use to install DAzips


I did the above and it shows in my installed DLC section but not in the game.


DAO Override version
Install in the override section of the DAO Modmanager


this I didnt understand? I just put the file in the usual override file.


I hope someone can help :kiss:

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What you need to do with the .override file is download Dragon Age Origins Mod Manager, then drag and drop the .override file here:



This should then override your current game files.


With regards to the Alistair scenes, make sure you're more than just "warm" or "friendly" with him. Then you can choose:


"I want to talk about something private"


You should then get a new series of options including (this list isn't in order):


1. Quiet time in camp

2. Sexytime

3. Kisses



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My relationship with Alistair is love 100, but I still dont get these options.


And with Roland, I tried everything and my relationship with him is high and its warm, but he still keeps repeating the same stuff , even when I stopped my relationship with Alistair.

Edited by Xilliana
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Hmm-- I've had both mods installed and never had a problem with them, as far as I can remember. It's been a while since I've used the Ser Gilmore mod, cause I found it endearing but awkward.


Uninstall the mods and then reinstall them? That's the only thing I can think of that might help. Then just use the .dazip files because they're less problematic than using the .override files.

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not working >< oh well !


ok if you could please help me with something else :D


I want to get this Alistair :




now I ONLY wanna change Alistair not the whol group ! how can I do that? cause I think in the requirments one mod changes them all .


my current Alistair is this :




but I want to get the first one :)




and another thing, one time while browsing the mods I saw a very nice looking new Isabela ! she was with light skin, blonde short hair and bright eyes ! looked very different than the original


I cant find it anymore :(

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Quite simply, remember how I showed you how to search to find whether you had more than just one Morrigan morph installed? You basically just drag the file you want over, hit yes to override/rename it, and theoretically, it should work the same way.


Getting rid of the other companion characters head morphs, do the same thing with them: search in the overrides folder, delete all the .mor files you have that are the same name, and then just run Dragon Age Redesigned to get your other NPCs back to their original looks.


The Isabela mod? I think I know the one you mean-- I don't have it, unfortunately, otherwise I'd email you the zip file with the mod in it. I do have a dark-skinned, red haired Isabela, though. I really hope I've helped you! :)

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Re the Isabela mod: I have no idea where you'd find it.



Re the Alistair face being shiny: It means you're missing a texture if his face is all shiny like that. Have you downloaded ALL the required mods for it to run? I've got an Alistair morph that I made last night if you just want to change his hair.

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