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[Fix] Got stuttering? NVSR Didn't work? Thing again!


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Howdy folks. Having dealt with the most insufferable frame-skipping for a couple o' years, I decided to screw around with the NVSR ini file. Lo-and-behold, I got rid of it! And Fallout NV is many times smoother; makes my 30 fps look like 60.


For those that want the configured .ini, get it here. All you have to do is download NVSR, install it correctly and then replace the contents of the .ini file with the stuff from the pastebin link.


Your mileage may vary, but hey! NVSR didn't work before, changed a "2" to a "6" and ta-dah!


Got the problem? Don't have NVSR? Geddit here.



Sounds rather trounced up, but I'm totally pumped; I've had this problem for ages and it's gone. Had to share the fix.


Edit: BAH! It works for the first few interiors you enter, but the stuttering comes right back. For crying out loud...



If anybody has any ideas, do post 'em.

Edited by FiftyTifty
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I'll assume you changed the default heap algorithm from 2 to 6- it's not even active for NV as it is not supported and heap replacement would not produce any benefit to NV at all really. If it wasn't the heap replacement you changed then i'll assume second it was the default mode for critical section manipulation, in which case it is defined for each of the tables individually in the INI anyway, so changing it to prioritize the main thread (setting 6) will only potentially produce improvement to FPS, at a cost in stability. NVSR is a handy tool for micro stutter, but it is not a miracle cure. The handiest part of it is the bFastExit setting, that is great. I assume you changed NVSR from the default 30FPS it's configured to by default.


If you need help with performance, post the following:




NV SETTINGS - All of them.


LOAD ORDER - make sure you do LO last so I can see the info on top.


Also post if you are running any custom changes to your GFX card. If you haven't got them already I recommend Game Companion and NV Configator. I'm a little lazy to post the link right now, should be easy to google :).

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Ack. So it's just a placebo effect? Dangit.


My problem isn't an FPS issue. What happens is, when I'm inside, it's as if frames are missing. Everything becomes juddery, even though my fps is at a stable 50 (Capped at 30 for the very intense battles). This has been a problem with all of Bethesda's games using the Gamebryo engine, and it's quite common.


Guess I'll continue to live with it. *Sigh*

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