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Panic attack.


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Recently I have been deep delving into BOSS and TES5Edit, and _trying to get to SKSE and Wrye Bash operational. Did _lots_ of BOSS and on its warning removed 11 mods. I also Cleaned the Master files (.esm). Now my wife just tried to get back to her ongoing game, but ALL of the most recent Saves pop up this message:


"This save relies on content that is no longer present. Some objects may no longer available. Continue loading? Yes/No"


EVERY Yes for EVERY save yields a CTD.


My wife has worked her character up to 45th level and she was heavily emotionally invested in that character. If I can't get her current game up and running, I think I can safely predict that she's going to Ikill me. And I suspect that she won't be nice enough to wait until I'm asleep.


Help!!! For the love of the Eight/Nine Divines, heeeeeellllllppppp meeeeee! Pretty please?

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Still alive. But I'm finding out how roomy the doghouse is from the inside view. 8^D


Just to see what it was like, I tried to start a New game. It did NOT do a CTD, so that was hopeful. But then the game just sat there on the Main Menu page with the music playing endlessly. Twenty minutes later I figured this too had been bollixed. How long it was taking I thought might be related to the Alternate Start mod, so I decided I'd uncheck that box on the mods list -- and that is when I realized that the shortcut was taking directly into the Main Menu page, totally bypassing the Steam Skyrim synchronization menu page. (That little mini-window that first pops up that includes Data Files in the menu.)


When I was trying to install the SKSE mod, I was directed to change the shortcut target from the Steam game ID to skse_loader.exe, and that was what was sending me directly to the Main Menu. I went to Steam and had it reassert its own shortcut (which includes the game ID number) and that allowed me to first go to the Steam Skyrim synchronization menu and then Data Files to turn off the Alternate Start mod. NOW I can get into the game and actually load a saved game. There's still the warning that deleted mod elements will be missing (naturally), but that is only to be expected.


Panic attack over.... for now.

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Basically what happens to save games with mods is that the scripts (and likely other stuff) are 'baked' into it, removing the mods doesn't clear it out unfortunately. It will cause a cascade of problems because according to the save game critical pieces are now missing. The bad part is that anything new you add might cause problems with stuff still left behind in that save as well.


If Steam is not already running, using skse_loader.exe will essentially start Steam (since Skyrim is dependent on it) and open the main menu. Closing that and using the skse_loader.exe again will start Skyrim with SKSE enabled.


Edit: Don't mean to start up that panic attack again, you might get lucky and not have any serious corruption but papyrus will flip if you have a bunch of scripts all trying to do their thing at once. Choose any new mods you put in carefully!

Edited by TheGreenLion
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I just tested the skse_loader.exe startup and was surprised that Loading a game did NOT cause a CTD. I can't understand _why_, when that .exe was the target of the shortcut, I got innumerable CTDs. But when I go **directly** to the .exe without using a shortcut, no problems.


Color me Confused.


BTW, having some helpful people babystep me through the process, over the last week I used BOSS to dump mods with Warnings and Errors, so my mod collection (46) _looks_ fairly clean. (Except for 8 that have some Bash "suggestions". Still learning just how to use Bash, so those will be there for a bit longer. I also Cleaned the Master files with TES5Edit. So overall, I don't think there should still be any CTD-causing mod elements _left_ to cause trouble. [but I could probably count on the fingers of one hand how often _I_ have been right in these matters... and still have most of those fingers still available.]

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