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blender 2.49b Pose mode selection problem


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First off - I am trying to learn Blender animation.


I've looked in forums, gone through multiple tutorials and farted around with blender for a couple of weeks and gotten nowhere.


I have Blender 2.49b, Nifskope 1.1.3, NifTools 2.5.9, PyFFi 2.1.10 and Python 2.6.6.

I've used NifSkope to change the skeleton Header to User 11, User2 34 and also deleted BSBoneLODExtraData.

I've used hkxcmd to convert .hkx's to .kf's

I've imported the skeleton and animation to Blender and it seems to play correctly. I must admit I'm not 100% sure I used the correct Import settings. (see pic)


Most seriously - I cannot select Pose Mode. It just doesn't show up as an option for the 3D View or the Ipo Curve Editor window. Without Pose Mode - I seem to be dead in the waters of animation.


What am I doing wrong?


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Has a fix been found yet?I seem to be having the same issue.


ctrl+tab only leads me into weight paint mode and in the mode selection there is no pose mode.


Edited by Box15
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