ShadowHybriX Posted June 9, 2021 Share Posted June 9, 2021 Ok i need help with a script attached to my custom follower but said follower is only custom in looks and armorWhat i want to do is Actor script detects if follower is recruited and/or dismissed then if recruit is true adds a spell then if dismiss is true removes that spell So i need 2 version one on how to do this with out to create a custom follower framework for herSecond is with creating a custom follower framework for future plans Please scripting gods answer me i beg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReDragon2013 Posted June 10, 2021 Share Posted June 10, 2021 (edited) At first you do not really have posted a script code here. What should we insight? Maybe next script is working for you. shxFollowerAliasScript Scriptname shxFollowerAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias ; Spell PROPERTY myFollowerSpell auto ; new created spell to give the follower, if players teammate ; -- EVENTs -- 5 EVENT OnInit() Debug.Trace(" OnInit() - has been reached.. " +self) ; for debugging only RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) ; on new game or savegame first time ENDEVENT EVENT OnPlayerLoadGame() Debug.Trace(" OnPlayerLoadGame() - has been reached.. " +self) ; for debugging only RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) ; every time a savegame is loaded with this script ENDEVENT EVENT OnUpdate() RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(0.0) ; check: Is already a follower? ENDEVENT EVENT OnDeath(Actor akKiller) actor aRef = self.GetActorReference() aRef.RemoveSpell(myFollowerSpell) ; *** self.Clear() ENDEVENT EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) IF (akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReference) UnRegisterForUpdateGameTime() Utility.Wait(0.25) ; MANDATORY! wait here, until activation is over RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(0.0) ; check: Is still follower or dismissed? ENDIF ENDEVENT EVENT OnUpdateGameTime() Utility.Wait(1.0) actor aRef = self.GetActorReference() IF ( aRef ) IF aRef.IsPlayerTeammate() IF (aRef.GetActorValue("WaitingForPlayer") == 1) ; is waiting for player, anywhere ELSE IF aRef.HasSpell(myFollowerSpell) ; already active follower ELSE ; new recruited aRef.AddSpell(myFollowerSpell) ; *A* ENDIF ENDIF RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(1.0) ; try again 1 hour later ELSE ; not a follower aRef.RemoveSpell(myFollowerSpell) ; *** ENDIF ENDIF ENDEVENT Keep in mind this is a script of type "ReferenceAlias", not of type "Actor". You have to create a new quest, and inside at least one new alias. Attach the script on this alias, do not forget to fill the property.If the alias is not assigned on quest start, tick on flag "optional" for that. To fill the alias at gameplay, create a new spell and use a magic effect with a script like next. shxMakeFollowerEffectScript Scriptname shxMakeFollowerEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect ; use in spell of type "fire and forget" ReferenceAlias PROPERTY myFollowerAlias auto ; fill with alias from quest above ; -- EVENTs -- 2 EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Debug.Trace(" OnEffectStart() - target = " +akTarget) IF ( myAlias ) actor aRef = myFollowerAlias.GetActorReference() IF ( aRef ) ; alias already filled IF (aRef == akTarget) myFollowerAlias.Clear() ENDIF ELSE ; alias found and not refered to actor ; myFollowerAlias.ForceRefTo(akTarget as ObjectReference) ENDIF ENDIF ENDEVENT Edited June 11, 2021 by ReDragon2013 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadowHybriX Posted June 14, 2021 Author Share Posted June 14, 2021 (edited) At first you do not really have posted a script code here. What should we insight? Maybe next script is working for you. shxFollowerAliasScript Scriptname shxFollowerAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias ; Spell PROPERTY myFollowerSpell auto ; new created spell to give the follower, if players teammate ; -- EVENTs -- 5 EVENT OnInit() Debug.Trace(" OnInit() - has been reached.. " +self) ; for debugging only RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) ; on new game or savegame first time ENDEVENT EVENT OnPlayerLoadGame() Debug.Trace(" OnPlayerLoadGame() - has been reached.. " +self) ; for debugging only RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) ; every time a savegame is loaded with this script ENDEVENT EVENT OnUpdate() RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(0.0) ; check: Is already a follower? ENDEVENT EVENT OnDeath(Actor akKiller) actor aRef = self.GetActorReference() aRef.RemoveSpell(myFollowerSpell) ; *** self.Clear() ENDEVENT EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) IF (akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReference) UnRegisterForUpdateGameTime() Utility.Wait(0.25) ; MANDATORY! wait here, until activation is over RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(0.0) ; check: Is still follower or dismissed? ENDIF ENDEVENT EVENT OnUpdateGameTime() Utility.Wait(1.0) actor aRef = self.GetActorReference() IF ( aRef ) IF aRef.IsPlayerTeammate() IF (aRef.GetActorValue("WaitingForPlayer") == 1) ; is waiting for player, anywhere ELSE IF aRef.HasSpell(myFollowerSpell) ; already active follower ELSE ; new recruited aRef.AddSpell(myFollowerSpell) ; *A* ENDIF ENDIF RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(1.0) ; try again 1 hour later ELSE ; not a follower aRef.RemoveSpell(myFollowerSpell) ; *** ENDIF ENDIF ENDEVENT Keep in mind this is a script of type "ReferenceAlias", not of type "Actor". You have to create a new quest, and inside at least one new alias. Attach the script on this alias, do not forget to fill the property.If the alias is not assigned on quest start, tick on flag "optional" for that. To fill the alias at gameplay, create a new spell and use a magic effect with a script like next. shxMakeFollowerEffectScript Scriptname shxMakeFollowerEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect ; use in spell of type "fire and forget" ReferenceAlias PROPERTY myFollowerAlias auto ; fill with alias from quest above ; -- EVENTs -- 2 EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Debug.Trace(" OnEffectStart() - target = " +akTarget) IF ( myAlias ) actor aRef = myFollowerAlias.GetActorReference() IF ( aRef ) ; alias already filled IF (aRef == akTarget) myFollowerAlias.Clear() ENDIF ELSE ; alias found and not refered to actor ; myFollowerAlias.ForceRefTo(akTarget as ObjectReference) ENDIF ENDIF ENDEVENT Hi Thank you for this and yes i did not post a code because this was posted from my phone but heres my makeshift code that works for adding the spell but when dismissed does not remove the spell so basically i can summon her even if shes not following and this is without a quest heres the script attached to her SHXACompanionDynamicScript ScriptName SHXACompanionDynamicScript Extends Actor {Script to configure companion.} Spell Property FollowerSummon Auto {Spell to call companion} Faction Property FactionCheck Auto {Companion Faction to check} Actor Property FollowerRef Auto {Companion to configure} Function OnPackageChange(Package akOldPackage) If FollowerRef.IsInFaction(FactionCheck) Self.GotoState("GiveSummon") EndIf EndFunction State GiveSummon Function onBeginState() If !Game.GetPlayer().HasSpell(FollowerSummon As Form) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(FollowerSummon, True) Debug.Trace("SHX: Companion Summon spell add processing", 0) EndIf EndFunction EndState and this is the script attached to my spell with magic effect SHXASummonScript ScriptName SHXASummonScript Extends ActiveMagicEffect {Summon companion If separated from player.} VisualEffect Property MGTeleportOutEffect Auto Actor Property FollowerRef Auto {Companion to configure} VisualEffect Property MGTeleportInEffect Auto Function OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Actor PlayerREF = Game.GetPlayer() Utility.Wait(0.05) Float az = PlayerRef.GetAngleZ() MGTeleportOutEffect.Play(FollowerRef As ObjectReference, 2 As Float, None) FollowerRef.SetAlpha(0 As Float, False) FollowerRef.SetAngle(0.0, 0.0, az + 180.0) ; so actor is facing player FollowerRef.MoveTo(PlayerREF, 200.0 * Math.sin(az), 200.0 * Math.cos(az), 0.0, False) MGTeleportInEffect.Play(FollowerRef As ObjectReference, 2 As Float, None) FollowerRef.SetAlpha(1 As Float, True) EndFunction so this is what i got Edited June 14, 2021 by ShadowHybriX Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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