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HELP! suddenly lagging like crazy!


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So the past two days my skrims been having issues, I haven't added any mods that should be affecting my game like this, the only recent ones were the new AI enhancer and the armour of intrigue. I dont see how any of these could be affecting how my syrims running though ..


Anyways my skyrim has been super laggy, its basically unplayable because I cant look around without all these little start stops ... To try to fix the problem I uninstalled some mods that weren't needed, defragmented my hard drive, and re-set my ini files ( but re-added the extra line for flora overhaul ) anyways my skyrim has been totally fine until recently ...


Should I try uninstalling the AI mods or something? is there anything i can do to get my smoother run quality back?


Is it possible my computer has just stopped keeping up and that I need to upgrade? ( I'm on what I'd consider an average\slightly below set up for gaming, graphics card is old, only 7g of RAM, is it possible I just need to upgrade? )


Basically in two days time my skyrim has gone down hill and idk what to do, really sucks to since I got my new character looking exactly how I wanted and everything!

Edited by disneos
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