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A weapon mod I like has damage buff mods, but how would one go about making those into damage NERF mods?

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So I've never done anything but install mods, but I'm kind of looking to dip my toe into it. I'm running with a mod that nerfs the HP gain to prevent HP bloat, and this has unfortunately turned a few weapon mods I REALLY like into... really, really overpowered things. But most of them have modifications that add percentages to the damage. So, I figured, if I get find out where that data is and add a "-" in front of those values, boom problem solved. I've poked around a bit in FO4Edit, and quickly realized I had no idea what I was looking at.

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while i cant advise on how to alter weapons, if you go into npc weapon lists you can scale enmes to make them weaker by lowering there hp, or giving them a perk to weaken them. its a litte bit more work , but you'll be able to hand tweak them to what ever fitting you desire

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