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Texture doesn't fit together?


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I don't know how to explain it otherwise than the way i did in the title. But it's something i had after installing a new enb today - so naturally i expect it to be part of that. But, apparently it doesn't have anything to do with the enb, so i honestly have no clue how to fix it.

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Oh weird,w as sure i had attached a picture O.o

But yes, here ^^




Oh yeah looks strange ^^


you can try (by every trouble with mods):


Clean save/download a vanilla save (only for test)

Reinstall of this mod (make sure that all textures esp and bsas removed) then start your save again with deactive mod and save it again (make a backup type in console like: Save backup) , thirt step reinstall and try again.

Check incopatible other mods other texture mods/light mods (check out the mod page from that mod/description for known incompatible mods and check it with your mod list)


What you can do too make a screenshot of your loadorder for skyrim


i hope it helps :smile:

Edited by Scouti
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Thanks for the answer ^^ I made sure to have no other lighting mods or anything like that. I literally barely have any mods other than some armor, skins other cuteness and then this enb D: It might have happend when i went on tryout-spree today for enb's, so i'm almost 100% sure it has something to do with that ._.


But i will try your suggestion as soon as learn to do it without losing anything important, since i am pretty noob in general at the whole mod/files/other stuff D:

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Thanks for the answer ^^ I made sure to have no other lighting mods or anything like that. I literally barely have any mods other than some armor, skins other cuteness and then this enb D: It might have happend when i went on tryout-spree today for enb's, so i'm almost 100% sure it has something to do with that ._.


But i will try your suggestion as soon as learn to do it without losing anything important, since i am pretty noob in general at the whole mod/files/other stuff D:


You cant loose any important if you make a backup from your save =) try out. can you share the mod site from nexus for me?

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If you mean the enb, then this is the one




But before that one, i tried others like seasons of skyrim, project enb, the wilds enb, k enb (normal and kountervibe) aaand sharpshooter enb.


I know it's a lot, but i didn't really like them xd


I F*** my game everytime i see a new mod :wink: i have now 100-120 hours gameplay (60% only for mod testing :biggrin: )


have you looked in your skyrim folder for the "old" textures? Make sure that realy all removed from skyrimfolder :smile:


Edit: make sure that you have the .dll file =)

Edited by Scouti
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Yeah, i looked them all through - and never was there even any texture other than sunglare.something

As well does it seem like the starts and such matches fine. The only thing that doesn't match is those white/yellow spots.

Edited by Effie
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Yeah, i looked them all through - and never was there even any texture other than sunglare.something

As well does it seem like the starts and such matches fine. The only thing that doesn't match is those white/yellow spots.


Okay... hmm... the last think where i can help you is... post a link on the comments by the mod page on nexus for this enb theres not a lot comments so i think you can arrive a fast answer from the autor ^^



Edit: if he is helpfull *smile*

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