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Dungeon/Cave Mob Replacement


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I have an idea for a great mod =)


it would be nice if someone make a mod that replaces Daugrs , Spiders / Skeevers to Bandits. (It would be nice too for persons who have a necro fear :wink: )


I know there is a mod called elder race replacement that replaceses daugrs to elder race but the mod is not finished since mid 2012 the daugrs sounds are still there the placements are old (they came out of caves) and they use Ro...Da! ... and a lot of bugs (every 4th cant be killed the killmoves dont work correctly.


now back to my idea it would change the way of feeling more realistic (for that people who like to play skyrim a little realistic) i have knowledge about armed assault modding but not Skyrim :( it would be nice when my idea getting realised =)




Scouti :smile:

Edited by Scouti
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