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Elder Kings (An Elder Scrolls mod for Crusader Kings II)


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Hello Elder Scrolls fans,


I'm here to talk to you about Our Lord Elder Kings, an Elder Scrolls mod for Crusader Kings II, most successful Paradox's Grand Strategy game to date.

As you may have noticed if you ever downloaded our mod, the advancement on the graphical area has been effectively zilch since our initial release other than some bug fixing. Our current graphical artist lacks time and motivation to continue working on the project other than finalization of certain parts.


We are in dire straits and really need our community's help in this endeavour to find one or more new portrait artists.

If you know anyone, or you know anyone who knows anyone, please go forth to other Elder Scrolls communities, CK2 fansites, modding forums, artists' websites and ask around, ask your friends if they know anyone who might be interested in creating a portrait set, or even just parts of a portrait set (clothing for example!), and please send them our way.

Elder Kings itself is a fairly prominent mod within the Crusader Kings 2 community, and any work contributed to the mod would be greatly appreciated by everyone.

Without your help, portraits will languish; the Dunmer will forever wear muslim clothing, the Orcs & Argonians will be forever naked, the Khajiit will forever be a single face staring out at you, forever a placeholder...

I can provide you guys with more screenshots if you want to know the project a little better. Also, I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong section or something, it was really difficult to determine in which section this would be more appropriated. ;D
Thanks in advance.
Edited by AmauriPavao
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