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My views on Skyrim-Vampire bug sux


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Finally i decided to play as a vampire for a change so i started a new game, mod free of course so i can have clean start save for backup.

Just spend 12 hours playing with and without mods and i still and always get the same bug


"i cannot become a vampire!?"


Did infect myself by letting vampires use the life drain, infected myself at the Redwater Den, took the gift from Harkon and still never got recognized by the game as a vampire.

Is there a fix a patch for this? or will there ever be?


I am always playing as a nord and don't have any custom male body or any custom race installed.

I know there are console commands for it, but they don't work permanently even if i use it to become a vampire then i cannot get cured, the monk does the ritual, but i don't change back, and if i turn to vampire lord and then back i have to use the command again, which is annoying.

is ther something that can be done preferably without using console commands? coz those and other commands spoil the game and immersion pretty much.


Before abandoning the game Bethesda could at least fix it properly. Dawnguard is out a year now and still the vampirism isn't fixed.

All these bugs are the main reason i stopped playing Skyrim 10 months ago and now i gave it a chance hoping for a new patch since steam was always downloading something, but i don't see any improvement.

Thanks tho goes to all moders working on unofficial patches, without them this game would be unplayable at all.


Any help appreciated, thank you

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I believe there are stages to vampirism. You have to go through those stages before you become a full-fledged vampire.

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yes i know and i did, but even after a full in-game 4 days didn't become one, i had all the powers of a vampire, but could not feed, eyes and face didn't change and was not recognized by npcs as a vampire for example the vamps at Volkihar castle were just repeating that a mortal is not allowed there

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Sometimes, you will be made a vampire and have all the effects, but the game will not recognize it and you will be unable to feed or cure vampirism. ?

Nords will not get the glowing yellow eyes that all other races get when becoming a vampire after Dawnguard is installed; they instead get a glowing version of their old vampire eyes. ?


Basically this says; start a new game and try again, dont be a Nord... Make sure you have the unofficial patches installed and make sure you dont have any patches installed affecting vampires. See if it works on vanilla.

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well..thanks but i already said i started a new game already twice (with and without mods) and i wrote that i tried console codes too, but when i do i cannot get cured from vampirism and after i change back from vampire lord i have to write that code again.

this is the reason i am writing and asking for help on this forum coz console commands spoil the game


Edit: never mind, been googling for a day for a fix, there is nothing, apparently this is a game bug so nord race cannot be recognized as vampires after infection completes

so i guess ill stick to the guys with crossbows and be a good hero

Edited by BravoOskar
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