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Product Code where?


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recently ordered Skyrim: Legendary Edition from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CJ7IUIQ/ref=pe_175190_21431760_M3T1_ST1_dp_1 Order #104-7782152-2666644 I got it in the mail, and it had me install Steam. When I came to installing the game itself, it asked for a product code. Normally, this would be printed on the manual, but it was not. However, there was another piece of paper that gave information on playing the add-on content. On the bottom, there was a line saying: Steam Code: and a blank line after that. Is the Code written somewhere else (I checked every paper that came with the Skyrim box) or did someone actually forget to write something there?

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I haven't seen what the packaging for the Legendary Edition looks like, so I don't know, but I'd suggest talking to Amazon's customer support, rather than us.

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I'm currently waiting for a response after contacting Steam and Bethesda. I considered contacting Amazon, but I thought that they were only responsible for the shipping and wouldn't know anything about the product code, which is usually printed on the inside manual.

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