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Strange Graphical Noise on Female NPC Actors


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Hey guys totally new to modding. though I have figured out a lot on my own and just by reading stuff and what not. I am having a problem and I cannot for the life of me figure it out. nor have I seen anything else like this on the forums or internet.. perhaps I am not searching for the right key words..


ok, the problem.. the problem is exactly what I wrote in the title, there's this weird graphical noise on my (edit: )ALL NPC actors. I uploaded a screenshot of the problem, however it doesn't really do it justice and I've had to reduce the resolution considerably to get it to fit into the 250kb window.


the best way I can describe this noise is that it's these swimming white pixels in some areas and distortions on other parts of the bodies dependent upon the lighting.


I didn't have this problem until I messed around on BOSS to fix a loading issue where the game would just get 'stuck' on loading screens once in a while. I read on a forum to download and run BOSS to fix the loading Issue. At first I thought it just messed with the load order of the no more bronze shine mod, but that wasn't the issue as I have uninstalled the mod and reinstalled it several times and it does not fix the problem.


After I installed BOSS it messed somehow with the way objects reflect in skyrim's water (reflects too much now ) so I messed with these settings in the enbseries.ini file :




FYI I use the Realvision ENB.


any guesses as to what could be causing this?

Edited by radagothur
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guess who's a retard?


this guy <-----------



just had to turn on the denoiser.


had no idea that those settings would effect npcs, just thought it would affect the way water reflection would work and I thought: "why in the world would I want to lessen noise from already distorted water reflections?"


you learn something new everyday..


please disregard this, forget this ever happened and move on to the next topic!


sorry that you had to waste five minutes that you will never get back from your short existence on this!

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