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NPC will not take weapons


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I have had several followers; however, some will not accept weapons. They will accept and share armor or other items. Only certain followers have this weapon taboo problem. Others will accept all items without restriction. The followers not accepting weapons are useless without arrows or weapons of comparable level quality. What is needed to free them to accept? When giving weapon to NPC, item disappears and then pops back into inventory without being accepted. Have dropped many companions because of this problem. Began with Lydia. Any advice? Must be a viral attribute but do not know how to open follower and find the errant designation. Has to be a common problem that solution would be very popular. HELP PLEASE! :confused: :down:

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If it's not a bug (hard to tell when you're not playing yourself), it might be because different NPCs have different preferences, e.g. if you're trying to give Lydia a 2h weapon, chances are she won't prioritize that.


I'm currently running Followers Equip From Inventory, and it does the trick for me (though I can't be certain I've had the same problem, but I know that an NPCs combat style matters in what they equip, and this mod alters that).


Hope it helps!

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Thanks for you quick response. I will try the follower's equip as it sounds like the way to go. Missed this mod before. Will post if it works. As t preferences, I'm giving the followers the weapons they are programmed to use. Thanks again. You're a good man Charlie Brown.

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Tried Followers Equip from Inventory and this does not solve problem. Weapon still disappears when given by immediately pops back into inventory without staying with follower. >:( I tried time out for 31 days but did not change problem.

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