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Screen flashes when looking at flames


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also I don't know if the problem is related but I also am getting blocky shadows, or rather large pixilated shadow blocks. it Seems to be sunlight related and happens outdoors, indoors and shadows casted by fire light are as they should be. -Just fyi.


I tryed using this:


but it had no effect on the fire flickerage, or the sunlight related blocky shadows.



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Ahh, I believe i've figured out how to post my system spec's.... No laughing.. :cool:



Sorry, still trying to learn how to do the "spoiler show tab thing" But haven't figured it out yet.



I figured out a fix to stop the screen from flickering when looking at fire in 1st person, at least in my case. Turning my Antialasing off in skyrim options did the trick.

Still having Outdoor shadow issues, I will take a couple days here and try to figure it out.

Edited by Screechymon
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