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Request for authorization to use mod


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Good afternoon, I would like to ask permission to use some items of armor shutters Witcher 2, I believe it is with LordOfWar but to get all my questions before I decided to ask here.

I'm developing my first Mod presser Archer and used as part of the Witcher 2 armor doors and do not want desreipeitar Modder any rights or would like to know exactly how to not harm anyone, the armor is in the testing phase in the game and made ​​for my character but as I am a frequenter active low and many Skyrim Nexus mods decided to share with others my Mod as a thank you for the excellent work that is developed here in the Nexus if the Modder these armors Witcher see this topic please inform me if authorize or not to use these intens, posted a picture of how it is so it becomes easy to identify the Modder.

As I like the show did the hood Arrow in Blender style show and tried to mount an Arrow in the average age to fit into the world of Skyrim, armor simple without much decoration in order to use several mods that I like and try to minimize clipping problems, thank you for your attention and look forward position ...

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