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Help with Headless Guards


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A few days ago I installed a mod that caused my game to crash repeatedly on launch... upon uninstalling that very mod my game continued to crash on launch... I've always been hesitant to use any sort of program to auto sort my Load Order since I had most everything in very precise orders already... well anyway I decided to go ahead and give BOSS a try to see if it might just fix my crashing issue and it did... however... now I have an issue with all my guards being headless...


I looked around for information and everything I found pointed to 2 mods I have installed causing the issue... Friendly Guard Helmets and All Female Guards... I tried uninstalling FGH first and found my guards were still headless... so next I tried uninstalling AFG and then my crash on launch issue resumed... Upon reinstalling AFG the crash issue stopped... I even tried manualy changing the load order for these two mods to reflect how they were loading prior to using BOSS and this too caused CTD issues...


I'm at my wits end trying to resolve this problem...




As I'm sure it will be asked here is a list of mods I have installed... it is rather long... but here's the bulk of it...



All Female Guards

Friendly Guard Helms

Better Vampires - No DLC

Moonlight Tales

Cazy Hairs

Ethereal Elven Overhaul



Wet & Cold

Plantigrad Beast Feet

Khajiit Ears with Helmets

Helms with Circlets

Lilith's Weapons

WhiteRabbit's Daedric Armor (hand converted to CBBE)

Sexy Vanilla Female Armor (hand converted to CBBE)

Killer Keos Skimpy Armor

Sky UI

Race Menu


Private Selective Quivers

Magic Duels

Dance of Death

Alternate Start

Werewolf Loot - Friendly version




Bonds of Matrimony - Khajiit

Unique Uniques

Unique Weapons Redone

Update Apperance NPC

CBBE - Body Slide TBBP

Female Mannequins


plus various armor and weapon retextures and Animation replacers along with a few stand alone armor sets....

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Kill the guard, take off the helmet, maybe the helmet is the cause and the guard actually does have a head.


It seems to be linked to the helmet in some way... and just on females... Upon removing helmets on guards they regain their heads... and upon redoing the mission to kill the first dragon, the guards spawned for that mission are all male and one was wearing a standard Guard helm (oddly it was using the default helm mesh not the friendly guard helms mesh)


Now as I mentioned before, uninstalling the friendly guard helms mod didn't change anything... I'm not sure what else could be causing it but it seems the issue in my case might not be linked to that helmet mod... to be honest I have no clue what's causing it...


Female Guards go headless wearing helmet and Male Guards wear the default helmet ignoring the mod all together...


I guess something else I have installed might be conflicting with the mod and only started showing signs after using BOSS to rearrange my load orders... the question next would be what?

Edited by bundah
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I think you might have multiple mods touching the helmets... or another mod overwriting it (NPC overhaul, Some apparel replacer which comes with custom meshes?)... try uninstalling them and installing them again taking special care on installation order (file overwrites) since they most likely not all come with a plugin... definitely something wrong in meshes.

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  • 2 weeks later...


All Female Guards


This is the mod causing it. Uninstall it, wait in an interior cell without any NPCs for 31 days.


As mentioned multiple times... Uninstalling that mod causes my game to crash instantly upon start-up... However, I have resolved this issue now. Since nothing else would work I re-downloaded all my mods excluding AFG and re-installed the game...


Really wish AFG didn't have so many issues or at least that a similar, better, mod existed...

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