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[REQ] Online Traders


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I've often run the circuit of Wasteland traders looking for a particular item, only to discover that none of them have it in stock.


Consequently, I propose a mod allowing players to barter online with all stationary traders via a home terminal and have the goods "delivered" to a Megaton House or Tenpenny Suite front-door storage container.


To add a bit of realism, the player must have personally met the trader before they're available online. Items may be purchased via a credit card worth the amount of caps currently in the player's possession.

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That sounds EXTREMELY hard to do for one xD

And people wouldn't spend real money on Fallout items, and nobody would want to trade items or caps for items, because people can just console up some more LOL.

(Not shooting down your idea, just saying it has it's 'flaws' if you will)

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