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mod making in game weapons invisible

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Hi all, i'm having real trouble with a mod for new vegas.

the mod itself installs a lot of new guns and mods for weapons, e.g silencers gun sights, tactical lights, etc

i have wmx installed already, but this mod is supposed to have a patch for seamless intergration with wmx and a few other mods. so when i install the mod and try out some mods for the weapons, the guns themselves go invisible and i get a large red and white ! symbol floating around me.

i have tried for hours to fix this myself with changing my mod list order using boss, uninstalling the mod, reinstalling using either NMM or FOMM, but nothing i could do seems to fix this.


I noted this mod while installing is overwriting some files from WMX textures and meshes etc, so i decided not to let them overwrite. this causes a few of the mods from even showing up at all and provides a sort of fix to make the mod playable.

however i would like to know what exactly is going and and can this issue be sorted out so i can have full use of the mod.

thanks in advance


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