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Skyrim Songs


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But your own twist on a classic skyrim song :D


Here is mine:



For our hearth, for our home

For this land which we own

With our blood, and our steel

We will take back our home



Its time to fly

To venture forth on our quest

We will win, or all is lost

So sayeth the time come and gone



For our hearth, for our home

For this land which we own

With our blood, and our steel

We will take back our home


For the king

For the king

For the sons of Skyrim

With our life and our love, we shall take back our home



For our hearth, for our home

For this land which we own

With our blood, and our steel

We will take back our home



With our hearts, and our strength

We will bring glory to the king

And the sons of Skyrim

With our strength and our honour, the fiercest foes rout and our enemies fall



For our hearth, for our home

For this land which we own

With our blood, and our steel

We will take back our home



For our hearth, for our home

For this land which we own

With our blood, and our steel

We will take back our home

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