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RealVision ENB Distance Issue


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I am experiencing a distance issue initiated by RealVision ENB. Specifically, world fog somehow disappears whenever the ENB is activated (or any ENB I've tried). Take a look at this image:




As you can see, the distant terrain is dark, too clear, and absent of any realistic fog. However, anything else looks fine. Inside that image is also the mod order I have currently.


Any assistance with this is appreciated. Thank you.


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That is normal - there is no way to fix it really, unless you modify CoT weather systems in the CK by yourself... You will only have it on high places and it's not ENB doing it (CoT changes fog, ENB does not). If you dont like it, uninstall CoT and lose all your weather systems... :\


Actually it's Bethesda's handywork have this whole world just drop off at one point, instead of making it somewhat look more natural.

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The issue is not caused by CoT, but the EMB itself. Switching off CoT makes no difference. In fact, turning off EMB immediately fixes the problem. Previously, I've had this problem before I even began installing CoT in another EMB.

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Then there's a problem with transparency in which ENB makes them too transparent, in your case the fog. That's a know issue as well (ENB used to have it on water (older versions), and still has it a bit sometimes). The colors however is really something that comes from CoT (you can even check it in tes5edit if you don't believe me where youll clearly see CoT modifying fog colors (makes them blue-er, distances and so on).


Just in case youre wondering, I have the same thing. Learned to ignore it since it's so specific to high places where you can see abnormally far. I use an older version of ENB, 0132, haven't tried a newer version... but since you use RealVision which uses the newest it's apparently not fixed (yet).

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