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The Silus Vesuius "Human Rights Watch" Vibe


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If I said Silus Vesuius gives me that "Human Rights Watch Vibe" every time he squees over his various artifacts of infamy would anyone know what I was talking about?


I swear every time I talk to that guy "Human Rights Watch" pops into my head. For Fallout it'd be normal; you can't go five minutes without spotting some political reference or other. For Skyrim it's a lot more rare. (Historical references, yes; modern politics, no, not compared to something like Fallout.)


With ol' Silus I hear that slightly-too-happy tone of voice recounting the glory days of the Mythic Dawn and I can't help but make the connection. Am I the only one or has anyone else thought of this? And second question do you think it was deliberate? Is Silus Vesuius an expy of Marc Garlasco or am I just imagining things?


(The scandal broke roughly the year before Skyrim was released; it would have been topical during at least part of Skyrim's development.)

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