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Start with OST available on Classic


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In Vanilla in normal difficulty you start with the OST ready built at the top left corner of the base grid.


I'm not really looking to have it pre built I'd simply like to have it already available for construction in the list (I think Merciless does this) when playing Classic.


I'm basically splicing Mercliess' tactical game into Long War's geoscape base and its. . . well. . . punishing :biggrin:. I think the addition of the OST into Long War at the start is a good idea as it will provide different early game strategies given the limited funds; SHIV or Interceptors or Satellite or OST.


I've looked through the forum here but haven't been able to find the requisite change. Alternatively could someone tell me how to lower the rank required to unlock it 'legitimately'?



Edited by Zybertryx
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It's a mod-hybrid ... good times!


The requirements for building are set in XcomStrategyGame.upk >> XGItemTree.BuildFacilities. Some of the values there can be changed in the DefaultGameCore.ini, but unfortunately soldier requirement etc cannot be.


I use this tool : http://hem.bredband.net/bertrich/XCOM/ReverseLookup.htm to find enumerated values (all credit to Bertilsson for creating the fantastic tool.


Entering 'OTS' in the name field brings up a list of 38 possibilities. Looking through them, eFacility_OTS = 12 is the one we're looking for


From the new-and-improved UE Explorer token view, the line for building 12 is:

(199/18D) [1B 61 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 0C 2C 7D 25 25 2C 19 26 2C 08 1D FE FF FF FF 26 4A 4A 24 71 16]
	BuildFacility(12, 125, 0, 0, 25, 1, 8, -2, 1,,, 113)

Unfortunately soldier rank and accessing OTS isn't handled here.


Digging around a bit I found that the function XComStrategyGame.upk >> XGItemTree.OTSRank() is used to determine at what rank the OTS is unlocked. In the 1.08 Long War version it reads:

function int OTSRank()
	return 3;

Changing this to return 0 will, I think, unlock the OTS at the beginning of the game.

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Thanks Amineri!


This I found in XComStrategyGame.upk >> XGTechTree (only):


function int OTSRank()
return 3;


Right Click Show Buffer + Notepad + vertigo from typing hex (seriously, no copy in UE Explorer**?) + HxD = Success! \o/


*Bows to the Master*


Thanks man, that was it, I might make it 2c 02 though just so it feels like an achievement, haha.


** I have v1.0.

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You should seriously download the new UE Explorer


It's technically in beta, but is quite stable. I've been using it for the last several days.


One of it's biggest new features I'm sure you'd appreciate is the ability to modify hex directly in the Hex Viewer. Good times!

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