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Far Cry

Would it be possible to move Farcry 3 Blood Dragon weapons to regular


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I just thought it would be pretty cool if there were a way to add the weapons from Blood Dragon to regular Farcry 3. Like using the minigun on the pirates, having some energy weapons to feel awesome while you fight the mercenaries who think they're all cool and are using bullets. XD And maybe adding Cyborg vision to replace the camera. That would be pretty cool. :D Anyone agree?

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No seriously, how cool would it be ro run around with a minigun that shoots lasers and wiping out and entire base of Voss' pirates or those Mercenaries? Not only that but those energy arrows would be much easier to spot at night too if you missed your targets. And burst hangun with a laser sight and silencer on it? I don't know how people couldn't find that awesome to have those high tech weapons fighting a bunch of crazies with old rusty AK47s that jam every 5 seconds and mercenaries with tough armor but you have energy weapons that can melt their skin or shred their armor and vehicles. :D

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