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Light Fade Slider and Flickering Shadows?


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Using 320.18 on my 660Ti 3GB O/C, I noticed when in Windhelm at night certain shadows where flickering on and off, around the city. Patchy areas on the floor, walls, fires and so on, but only in the area close to me like when carrying a torch, turned off every mod and ENB, but it was still doing it? Traced it to the Light Fade slider turned it off, the flickering thing stopped? What is Light Fade, do I need it and can I fix it?

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Hey man... yes, Skyrim can sometimes freak out :P


See if this helps;


Open skyrim.ini located in My Documents\My Games\Skyrim


And add this line under [General]






It can also be because you have installed more than 1 lighting mod or a mods that does stuff to lighting combined with a lighting mod (eg. Shadows and Striping Fixed). Another thing can be a change to the city that adds lights and a lighting mod that adds more lights. Skyrim engine can only support 4 lights hitting the same object... and an object can be as big as a castle. If that number is exceeded you'll get lights turning off and on, shadows appearing and disapearing when you change your direction, and stuff like that.

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