Nebulan Posted August 15, 2013 Share Posted August 15, 2013 I have DOF... perhaps you disabled it... :smile: file: enbeffectprepass.fx in enbseries.ini make sure this is set EnableDepthOfField=true (also make sure you always copy all the files belonging to a single ENB... all of those files contain settings specific to that ENB, not just enbseries.ini) I cant publish it because its a completely overhauled Project ENB, and the author doesn't allow my tweaks to be publish (not under my name, and not under his because I changed to many things)... So, it's a private ENB, tread it as such.... but I am glad you enjoy it :smile: so far a few people use it and all of them are really happy with it... Ok, so thank you again for sharing this. It saved me from buyng a new video card!!Yesterday I was wandering into dwarven ruins and the visuals were breathtaking. really happy :-) Same here. Also got only about 20 FPS with ENB although my laptop has quite some gaming power. If it is possible to send it in private that would be pretty nice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mightymouse2045 Posted August 19, 2013 Share Posted August 19, 2013 I have DOF... perhaps you disabled it... :smile: file: enbeffectprepass.fx in enbseries.ini make sure this is set EnableDepthOfField=true (also make sure you always copy all the files belonging to a single ENB... all of those files contain settings specific to that ENB, not just enbseries.ini) I cant publish it because its a completely overhauled Project ENB, and the author doesn't allow my tweaks to be publish (not under my name, and not under his because I changed to many things)... So, it's a private ENB, tread it as such.... but I am glad you enjoy it :smile: so far a few people use it and all of them are really happy with it... Hi prod80 - I just sent you a PM as well - I'd really like these settings, and if you have a mod list for the eye candy that you need to get it looking like yours would be fantastic :) Cheers,MM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mightymouse2045 Posted August 19, 2013 Share Posted August 19, 2013 I have DOF... perhaps you disabled it... :smile: file: enbeffectprepass.fx in enbseries.ini make sure this is set EnableDepthOfField=true (also make sure you always copy all the files belonging to a single ENB... all of those files contain settings specific to that ENB, not just enbseries.ini) I cant publish it because its a completely overhauled Project ENB, and the author doesn't allow my tweaks to be publish (not under my name, and not under his because I changed to many things)... So, it's a private ENB, tread it as such.... but I am glad you enjoy it :smile: so far a few people use it and all of them are really happy with it... Ok, so thank you again for sharing this. It saved me from buyng a new video card!!Yesterday I was wandering into dwarven ruins and the visuals were breathtaking. really happy :-) By the way you can try this patch for 64 bit OS's. It will patch the game to allow it to address more than 2GB of RAM (32bit limitation), and as you have 32GB of RAM that's a good thing. I was going round in circles with the ENB settings and not getting rid of the stutters and about ready to give up, then I remembered this patch I used a couple of years ago had worked well for me. I think you will find after applying this patch, that you can go back and increase your ENB settings without a performance hit. Just run it and point it at the TESV.exe file and then click patch. It will make a copy of the exe and patch it. Then run the game the normal way (skse_loader.exe or injector). This should reduce or completely cut any stutter you have as all those big ass textures are now getting loaded into RAM. As you said your SSD was possibly causing a bottleneck, this will cut that bottleneck out of the equation. With all the 2k & 4k textures, most people playing around with ENB recommend graphics cards with more than 1.5GB onboard RAM if your using 2k and above textures. With this patch that negates that requirement. SO those of us with lowly 1GB cards can take advantage of the nicer textures without causing stuttering :wink: Cheers MM :smile: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vlaint1 Posted November 7, 2013 Share Posted November 7, 2013 hi sorry for butting in. but i also have this issue. With ultra preset of skyrim i get 60 fps but after real vision enb and Skyrim flora overhaul i get 24 fps. may i also ask for your ini tweaks? I also use amd thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
micknoben Posted December 13, 2013 Share Posted December 13, 2013 Hi prod80, i have the same problem after applying realvision.. fps around 20 :-(I would appreciate it if you could help me out eitherthanksMikey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AncientFiend Posted December 20, 2013 Share Posted December 20, 2013 Apologies for pestering you prod80, however as I too am looking for more decent performance, I have ended up here.Your assistance would be very much appreciated Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
djkostas20 Posted February 7, 2014 Share Posted February 7, 2014 (edited) prod80 I would appreciate if you could share your ini tweaks with me too.I installed Real Visio Enb 250a + Climates of Tamriel + Sun for CoT + Supreme weather + RLO and I got down from 60 to 20 fps. I disabled SSAO and DoF from my enbseries.ini and managed to get a 30 fps for outside gameplay and a 45-50 fps for inside gameplay. But this was all my testing as I did not got into any battle, with probably 3-4 enemies and 1-2 conjuration spells to see what happens then in performance.I really like the graphical mods, and the result that give. But there is too much high cost in fps that I may have to uninstall them. Edited February 7, 2014 by djkostas20 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SSgTMartin Posted February 13, 2014 Share Posted February 13, 2014 Real vision works great on my PC. 45-60 fps with the occasional stutter..8 GB RamPhenom x4 3.2EVGA GTX 460 SE EE 1gb OC'ed slightly and Voltage boosted to 975 But I have one major problem with this ENB.. When I exit a building, or anything with a load screen (Exept Fast Travel) the game Biggs out and I drop to 10-20 fps. I have to restart the game every time this happens.I would greatly appreciate (I would LOVE you forever) if someone could help me out on my problem. Thanks!-Alexx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
babypuncher Posted April 7, 2014 Share Posted April 7, 2014 I don't suppose anyone still is watching this board? If so can someone send me annoculos's enb files? I have the same graphics card and problem as prod so I think whatever he's using to get above 25 fps with a enb will work for me too! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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