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Going through door issues


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door meaning a loading screen? In that case there can be a millions causes - mainly it's simple; your system is overloaded.

some generally used mods are very heavy on your system, an example is "A Quality World Map - With Roads" - if you have it, disable it, perhaps it helps. Another thing causing some issues are auto-saves on the other end of the door and in general. See if disabling auto-save sorts out the issue. The last and most obvious one is to reduce your textures - but people generally do not want to step back on their texture definition :P

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door meaning a loading screen? In that case there can be a millions causes - mainly it's simple; your system is overloaded.

some generally used mods are very heavy on your system, an example is "A Quality World Map - With Roads" - if you have it, disable it, perhaps it helps. Another thing causing some issues are auto-saves on the other end of the door and in general. See if disabling auto-save sorts out the issue. The last and most obvious one is to reduce your textures - but people generally do not want to step back on their texture definition :P




Without his system specs.. you are guessing


Without asking other questions you cannot ascertain that.... simply speculation.... there are many reasons for it...

Edited by Reynard131
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It makes sense that its all the mods, I have a fairly good system, but I am upgrading my pc next month, and getting a better nvidia card, already have gt 570 but getting something newer. I have 8 gig memory, 120 gig ssd drive, and 1 terabyte other hard drive. I just ahve to get rid of some mods. Thanks guys
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