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Y - axis very slow only while standing still


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Hello everyone,

5 Days ago a friend and i both bought the Skyrim Legendary Box (PC Version)

Now the problem is, that i got a Bug with my Mouse Sensitivity.

Usually my cursors moves fast in every direction, but when i am standing still and not moving the Y Axis(so up und down) is so extremely slow that it takes ages to go from the button of a cabinet to the top.

This happens ONLY in the third person view and only while standing still with no weapon out.

When i am in first person everything is fine and also when i draw my weapon and standing still.

At first i thought it was meant to be so (its my first RPG i ever play, so i have no idea about that) but when my friend watched me playing some days ago he told me, that this isn't normal and he isn't having this problem.

So now to the things i already tried:

Deinstalling all Mods - didnt help

Delete the Skyrim.ini - didnt help

Changed the y axis mouse sensitivity in Skyrim.ini - well... it kinda helped, but then when the Mouse was "normal" it was fast as hell...

Deinstalled Skyrim(and deleted all mods) and installed new without Mods - didnt help


i am pretty desperate now, because this bug annoys the s#*! out of me and rly stealing my fun on the game because i love to explore every single bit in a house(and i am not a fan of the first person view).


Maybe someone of you know a solution, i would be glad.




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Hey try this...


Go to My Documents\My Games\Skyrim


Open the file: SkyrimPrefs.ini


Find this line: bMouseAcceleration under [Controls]


Make sure the value =0


Also check if it's Vsync related... same file (below line) enables/disables (1/0) VSync. VSync can cause input delays and other crap.




Same file still...


fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.xxxx sets the mouse speed. (lower values being slower, try 0.0700 and adjust from there (not very ideal, dont tell me)


Perhaps it helps!

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