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Legendary edition problem with SkyRe, no Dragonborn and Dawnguard esm


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Having installed the legendary edition, i tried to run it with SkyRe, but Skyrim ctd after 3 seconds. The problem is,

the majority of SkyRe esp´s need the Dragonborn and Dawnguard esm´s, but they are not there. Unlike previous

complete editions (TESIV, FO3, FONV), they are probably integrated in mainfile Skyrim. Any idea´s what i´m doing wrong

would be welcome.

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I´ve done this, or so i think. Even when starting the install from the dvd, it automatically continued with steam and dl´ed all files from there.,


Edit: Disregard, i´m an idiot. I did not know i had to register the dlc extra.

Edited by gax2011
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