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Personal Journal/Terminal Idea


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I suggest making some sort of writing mod in Fallout 3. I never was able to find a mod for Oblivion where you could write stuff on parchment. (If there is one I would be eternally grateful if you showed me.) The basic idea of how it would work is you would have the title the entry, write what you want, and then it would be on the terminal interface or maybe even appear as a note on your Pip Boy. There could be some practical uses for this such as writing down in-game notes if you found an unmarked spot or for roleplaying reasons such as keeping a log/journal. If you had the ability to do this, I think people would be much more interested in developing their characters. For instance, if they could look back on their lunatic scientist character's "experiment" logs, mercenary character's Lawbringer targets, or just plain dear dairy style writing, people would get a sense of nostalgia and be like "Ohh yeah...I remember doing that. Boy that was awesome" or "Man, that's when my guy really started turning evil after that happened." Instead I find myself forgetting my moral decisions over the course of the game and eventually I wonder how my character even got to this point of selfishness, insanity, or neutrality.


But yeah enough of the babbling. Overall having this option could really enhance the experience. It may very well be something that isn't possible, I don't have any clue how to make mods, so if that's the case than I guess that's just the way it is. I'd hate to have somebody try and pursue a lost cause. So anyway thanks for reading and feel free to discuss.

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I completely agree with you on this, i have only ever come across ONE mod like that but it was for Oblivion and it wasn't exactly what i expected, i was a bit dissapointed, but i guess it did what it said it would do...


But agreed, i would LOVE to be able to do that, like with Moriarty's Terminal and such, HE writes random logs you know? So why can't we? -.-


It would be an incredible thing to be able to do :D

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