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Is there really no way to add new combat animations ?


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Bethesda really f**** it up this time, I mean, you can't add one damn new animation to the game. I searched everything in Google but didn't found anything. Is it really impossible to add combat animations ? Is Bethesda ever going to release the behavior files ? Is someone going to make a program to add animation ? Whatever ? Or are we stuck with only replacing existing animations ?
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tk combat adds new ways of fighting, but not necessarily adding animations to the basic fighting method(hack and slash, and whatnot).


this was on spot: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35929//? power thrust 1 hand thou i need to master 2h, sounds cool instead of the over hand hack slash guy. suuccck it! just downloaded thiss site is hs awesome mods.

Was asking for ADDING new animation, not overwriting existing one but after some search it seems impossible. Thanks anyway

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