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A new breath spells collection


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I decided to start such kind of topic. Share with your interesting intriguing spells here! But take these conditions - by reading your post it is possible to replicate the spell in the Construction Set by the written. Also, write a description about the spell's behavior/purpose. The replicators will have to think by yourselves about how to get that spell available in the game :wink:

I start with this spell - "A dream of the unfamiliar place". It must be casted in case if all of the map markers are available for the fast travel into each one. The moment when this spell must be casted - right before the moment the player is going to sleep (not to wait). If player will not go to sleep after the 2secs passed after the moment when the spell was casted, the spell will be dispelled. In case of the success, the place which map marker was not known to the player, will be revealed, it's map marker will be seen on the player's map but it will not be possible to make a fast travel into it, so the player have to go there by him-/her-self. Places of the Cyrodiil and the Shivering Isles only.

Name: A dream of the unfamiliar place
Type: Spell
Auto-Calculate: Unchecked
Spell Level: Expert
Spell Cost: 351
ScriptEffectName: To concentrate on the dream
Range: Self
Duration: 125
School: Mysticism
Visuals Effect: Invisibility
Effect is Hostile: Unchecked
Script code:

array_var AllVanillaUnknownMarkers

short AE ; also as an array size
short i
short x

ref iter
string_var iterRefString

short UnknownPlaceOnMap
short HoursSlept
float GoingToSleep

Begin ScriptEffectStart

set HoursSlept to GetPCMiscStat 20

let AllVanillaUnknownMarkers := GetMapMarkers 2
let AE := ar_Size AllVanillaUnknownMarkers

While ( i < AE )
	let iter := AllVanillaUnknownMarkers[i]
	let iterRefString := sv_Construct "%i" iter
	let iterRefString := sv_Erase iterRefString 2
	if (( sv_Compare "00" iterRefString ) == 0 ) && ( iter.IsMapMarkerVisible != 1 ) && ( iter.CanTravelToMapMarker != 1 ) && ( iter.GetDisabled == 0 )
		let AllVanillaUnknownMarkers[x] := iter
		set x to x + 1
	elseif (( sv_Compare "00" iterRefString ) == 0 ) && ( iter.IsMapMarkerVisible == 1 ) && ( iter.CanTravelToMapMarker != 1 ) && ( UnknownPlaceOnMap != 2 )
		set UnknownPlaceOnMap to UnknownPlaceOnMap + 1
	set i to i + 1

if ( x != 0 )
	ar_resize AllVanillaUnknownMarkers x

set AE to GetScriptActiveEffectIndex

if ( x == 0 )
	Message "Looks like you were visiting each place known by the people of Cyrodiil" 3
	DispelNthActiveEffect AE
	ar_resize AllVanillaUnknownMarkers x
	if ( UnknownPlaceOnMap == 1 )
		Message "The fact that you know about the place which you still not visited, is preventing the concentrating" 5
		DispelNthActiveEffect AE
	elseif ( UnknownPlaceOnMap == 2 )
		Message "The fact that you know about the places which you still not visited, is preventing the concentrating" 5
		DispelNthActiveEffect AE

Begin ScriptEffectUpdate

if ( HoursSlept < ( GetPCMiscStat 20 ))
	Message "You was seeing a new unfamiliar place in your dream, and marked it's location on your map" 4
	set HoursSlept to GetPCMiscStat 20
	let iter := AllVanillaUnknownMarkers[0]
	iter.SetMapMarkerVisible 1
	set AE to GetScriptActiveEffectIndex
	DispelNthActiveEffect AE
elseif ( GoingToSleep > -2 )
	set GoingToSleep to GoingToSleep - GetSecondsPassed
elseif ( GoingToSleep <= -2 )
	Message "Dream concentrating prevented" 2
	set AE to GetScriptActiveEffectIndex
	DispelNthActiveEffect AE


Begin ScriptEffectFinish
let iter := 0


The purpose of this spell is to get your character sleep well to check out whenever there are still the places where you visited not. And as a result, using this spell you can obtain every vanilla place's map marker, all of them.

Another spells previously made by me:
Soulgem Spells Collection - with those spells it is possible to void the filled soulgems including Azura's Star or transfer the soul from the filled soulgem including Azura's Star to the empty soulgem excluding Azura's Star.

Soultrap for NPC - capture NPC soul to the great empty soulgem.

Edited by Stealth21
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