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White glowing bits on custom helmet


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I am having a weird problem with the Dagoth Ur mask mesh I am using for a mod. Its fine when hes standing still but after a few seconds running about in combat two spikes start glowing bright white. Can anyone tell me how to fix this. Scoured ggoogle and no one seems to have ever had this issue before. please help some one! see attached image




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Found out whats causing it. the bits of mask only glow white when blood splatters on the mask and it stops glowing white when the blood vanishes. So my next question is how do i set the Helmet/Mask so blood is not allowed to splatter on it? any help pleasE?????

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yeah I know about the prefs things but that would change it for everything in the game lol I just wanted it set for the helmet but yeah i solved it another way haha. thanks for the reply anyway :)

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