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I need help, I have this annoying weird orb around my character and I can't get rid of it, I think I got it when I couldn't do this quest during dawnguard story line and I had to go into this cave with a tree and butterflies so I used the console commands to get past it, but now I have this very bright glowing orb around me. I really need to fix this, this is causing my game to kinda lag. Especially its just annoying, please help. Here is the link to my character: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/255576/?

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Well that's awkward, it looks like a sun damage cloak spell? Check your magical effects and if you see something that you recognize you can search the name in the console (press the ` key or 'tilde key', should be right next to the 1 key on a standard keyboard) with help "name of the spell" 4 and then find the ID under the SPEL (I think) category and type in player.removespell *ID goes here* to remove the effect. Just be careful with it! :biggrin:

Edited by TheGreenLion
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you will find it here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/872861-tutorial-removing-unwanted-magic-effects-from-the-player/
and you will also find how to remove it.




(large orb around player)

**this is not a spell but a complex scripted effect which requires Moth Aura Remover by mmmpld to remove the effect**

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