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Edited Texutres Don't Work


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Whenever I try to edit the texture of a non-vanilla item (i.e. a custom weapon or armor) the textures never seem to map onto the item. I know exactly how to retexture, and to the best of my knowledge I'm going through the proper steps. Basically I move the texture to my desktop (for easy access) and make whatever changes I need to (generally simple stuff, such as making something darker, or decreasing the saturation of the texture) and put it back in to the file where i got it, then do the archive invaildation thingamajiggy (:P) However as soon as I take my model into the GECK the whole $&%! thing is red.




I never have this problem with vanilla textures (I retextured the Chinese Stealth armor, and it worked fine)


So, can anybody lend me a hand with this one?




-SN- :ninja:

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Two possible causes


1. Don't do the Archive Invalidation.txt step (if it's a custom the only file you'll be telling F3 to ignore is the one you just made).


2. Don't forget to check the box "Generate mip maps" when saving the texture file.

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