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Surprised noone thought of this yet


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Okay so if anyone's played in predominately third person view and has made a spell-sword or heavy magic user you've probably noticed this.


In third person you cant aim your magic up or down its static in one position and you can only aim it left and right so if your Cross hair is at their face your magic is shooting their legs


Now this wouldn't be as bad I think if there wasn't mods out there like YY animation Mystic knight which makes being in third person and casting even more of a enticing treat.


SO here's my idea for a mod that hopefully someone can figure out. its kinda simple but it would be nice.


Some how some way either a allow spells to attach onto the cross hair for aiming in third person like they are in 1st person.




allow for a way to aim your spells in third person view.

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Some how some way either a allow spells to attach onto the cross hair for aiming in third person like they are in 1st person.




allow for a way to aim your spells in third person view.

It just so happens such a mod already exists... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13652


however it only works for projectile spells, the maintained spells only follow the crosshair for the initial hit...

Edited by bundah
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Some how some way either a allow spells to attach onto the cross hair for aiming in third person like they are in 1st person.




allow for a way to aim your spells in third person view.

It just so happens such a mod already exists... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13652


however it only works for projectile spells, the maintained spells only follow the crosshair for the initial hit...


I shall try it out :D thank you

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