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LASER WEAPONS "aim" means pressing face into weapon?


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I have no idea how this started to happen, but whenever I attempt to aim with a laser rifle or pistol, it means I am treated to a very close view of the back end of the weapon rather than a look down the barrel, through the sights, or into a scope. It is ridiculous, and I have no idea how this began.


Can anyone refer me to a thread where this is explicitly handled? My searches have come up nil. Otherwise does anyone know what causes this and how to fix it?









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I have uninstalled a "Laser Rifle Textural Improvement".esp and am reinstalling all EVE, WMXUE, and GRA patches. I've gotten rid of any "merge patches" also (that didn't help). Well see if reinstalling any weapons-related mods helps.


Fingers crossed... :ohdear:

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Well, doing these things only worked with a new save, but didn't get rid of the problem. Now there is a massive iron sight on the laser pistol which blocks the aiming view!


Instead of looking at the back face of the pistol, now it looks at the back face of a large iron sight that is just above it. :(

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I found a merge patch which was hidden among the esps, and got rid of it, but all the modding done before is now "spoiled" and must be done over...


Still don't know if I'll get normal sights again. Don't know which of these mods is messing things up!

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make sure EVE is loaded after WMX etc, the reason its doing is the default mesh has no Ironsight node for iron sites and EVE addes them with the improved mesh.

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make sure EVE is loaded after WMX etc, the reason its doing is the default mesh has no Ironsight node for iron sites and EVE addes them with the improved mesh.


Thanks micalov. The only thing is, I'm doing a complete reinstallation, and I decided to use NVEC instead. This problem will be resolved if I follow the installation as shown by hairylegs here?



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