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Megaton Water Treatment Plant Rad Fix


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Why is it that Megaton has a water treatment plant yet their water is just as radiated (or nearly so) as the water from the bathroom sinks found in the Metros?


Why am I selling off scrap metal to Walter to keep the plant running when it does basically nothing?


Is there a mod that already addresses this issue? I searched but couldn't find one so I'm hoping someone can make this mod a reality for me. :)



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i thought the same thing!


They should have at least have one public drinking fountain that dispenses purified water after the pipe fix

Edited by BenWah
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One could argue that the water treatment facility can removed fecal matter, dissolved particles, bacteria and viruses, but can't do a damn thing about radioactivity. Just saying...

Edited by pkleiss
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Yeah I assumed it was for cleaning or recycling water, rather than removing radiation. If radiation removal was possible, why would we need Project Purity at all?


I would definitely want to treat water from the Potomax, since I assume no-one wants to drink mirelurk piss.

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One could argue that the water treatment facility can removed fecal matter, dissolved particles, bacteria and viruses, but can't do a damn thing about radioactivity. Just saying...


Yeah I assumed it was for cleaning or recycling water, rather than removing radiation. If radiation removal was possible, why would we need Project Purity at all?


I would definitely want to treat water from the Potomax, since I assume no-one wants to drink mirelurk piss.



Well first off water itself cannot be irradiated. It's the particulates suspended in the water that are radioactive; filter out the particulates and you have clean water. What they do with the resultant radioactive sludge that is left behind is another matter entirely.

Secondly Project Purity's goal is to treat MILLIONS of gallons of water at a time for the entire Capitol Wasteland; a MUCH larger scale than is needed for Megaton. In fact, James even stated that they were able to successfully do it on a small scale but ran into problems when they tried to do it on a larger scale.

Edited by GrimReapers1
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Radiation or not, the water needs to be treated to be drinkable.


Can we hypothesize that the residents of Megaton don't have the knowledge or equipment to filter radioactive particulates?

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Something that removes the rads from the water and makes it available to the player. As for the interface I think those water tower valves (minus the tower) logically scattered about town would work best.


Ideally it would be scripted so that the valves won't produce any water until

the leaking pipes are fixed. Also, depending on how complex they wish to make it, it could be done so that the pipes eventually DO burst again (and need to be repaired again) unless Walter gets a fairly steady supply of scrap metal.


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