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Navmesh for Exterior (New Worldspace)


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The most basic part of the Navmesh is that you need it to cover everything that you expect NPCs to walk on. So if you use Auto-Generate Worldspace you'll save time on the whole, but it won't be a particularly awesome Navmesh. If there aren't that many cells I'd use something like Recast based (especially in living areas if you have them) there are several options in there that you can change around such as lowering Agent Radius to give the Navmesh more triangles but better accuracy as to how much is useable by an NPC. Cleanup generally takes the longest but you can then go into Advanced after the first round of Navmesh generation and run each part on it's own such as removing unwanted islands.


It's not a foolproof tool, so you'll have to put your eye to the Navmesh and fix anything left over manually after you've 'optimized' it. One really good trick is to make sure you can see the darn thing without needing to make it transparent, just a little bit above ground is good.

Edited by TheGreenLion
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